Calendar News 2024

SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









1 Dec

Tina Gandhi

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

S Darbey

M Sixsmith


8 Dec

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Hodgson

D Williams


15 Dec

Vince McCully

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

C Worthington

J Readett


22 Dec

Tina Gandhi

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Jones

E Taylor


29 Dec

Anne Mills

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross


5 Jan

Tina Gandhi

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Coles

G Leigh



BLANCHE COLLIER:  In accordance with Blanche Collier’s wishes, her ashes will be scattered in the Chapel grounds, alongside her much beloved Ian, following the service on Sunday, 1st December. The family warmly invites Chapel members to be present if they wish to.


TOY SERVICE ON 8 DEC:   New unwrapped gifts for a variety of ages to be donated please. These will go to the Salvation Army or the collection at Tesco's.


PRETORIA PIT DISASTER:  On 21st December the Pretoria pit disaster will be remembered at 2pm at the site, just off Broadway. The prayers will be led by Tina Gandhi, our Student Minister and there will be music from John Readett and friends.


CAROL SERVICE:  The Carol Service will be on 22 December.  Choir rehearsals will be Sundays, 8 and 15 and 2pm Thursdays, 5, 12 and 19.


FLOWERS:  Flowers for 10 November were from Blanche’s funeral, given by Dorothy Williamson.  On 17 November flowers were from the funeral of James Hayes.


NUMBERS CLUB:  Numbers Club Draw

1st prize 11 £50 2nd 91 £30 3rd 25 £20 4th 1 £15. Thank you for supporting the Chapel


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided and the white A4 Charity Gift Aid Declaration forms located in the trough under each of the Chapel’s notice boards have been completed.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club and buy and dedicate a hymn book, a chalice badge, or a copy of The Story of Chowbent Chapel by J.J. Wright. For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes, contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh.  If you are able to replace your envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much appreciated. 


WEDDING:  The marriage of Phiippa Snape and Tom Owen was celebrated in Chapel on 28 September.  Rev Lynne Readett officiated and the couple invited everyone to join them in the Hall after the service.  Philippa’s family have been connected with Chowbent for many years.  We wish Philippa and Tom every happiness for the future.


FUNERAL:  The funeral of James Stuart Hayes (Jimmy) took place on 12 November.   The service was taken by Tina Gandhi and our thoughts are with the family at this sad time.


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 22 December.









THANK YOU:  The family of the late Evelyn Baxendale wish to send a sincere thank you to all at Chowbent Chapel for their care and attention to detail on the occasion of her funeral. She always enjoyed coming to Chowbent for weddings, baptisms, Christmas fairs (especially the pasties) and also in her youth and young adulthood when Hindley congregation visited Chowbent for events such as the Bolton and District Festivals.  She personally asked to be brought to Chowbent. The poem Immanence by Evelyn Underhill begins: ‘I come in the little things, saith the Lord’, and we are especially grateful to the folks who did the ‘little things’, such as sweeping the leaves, putting on the heating, liaising behind the scenes, being on standby and so many others.  Aunty Evelyn was so sorry to leave but really happy to go.  She had great faith in God based on her lifelong love of chapel and will be really missed but it was a very happy funeral.  Thank you.

Christine Dobson




In today’s modern world praying is often not spoken about nor practiced. A popular trend right now is “manifesting”, the idea that if you think it, it will happen. Surely that’s also what prayer does, in a way…in that you think something and voice it, either out loud or in your mind, to your innerself but more often to a higher power. 


Last month at Chowbent we hosted the monthly prayer breakfast which was attended by different Christian denominations from across Atherton. The breakfast was delicious, thanks to our amazing volunteers. The thing that stood out the most for me was the 30 minutes of selfless prayers. The group meet every month to pray for the people of Atherton. Whoever is hosting leads by starting off the prayers then anyone can during the duration of the 30 minutes say a prayer from their heart directed at the inhabitants of Atherton. As a collective group - Unitarians, C of E, Methodists, Baptists etc we prayed for the emergency staff workers in Atherton, NHS, social workers, teachers, food bank, care home residents, children, those struggling, those ill etc this list went on. Our prayers covered a really wide spectrum of Atherton inhabitants. It is good to think that for those 30 minutes our collective prayers (there were over 20 of us) created a warm positive hue that will have covered Atherton and its people. 


For me the prayer meeting also invoked the Sanskrit prayer:


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu 


Which translates to:


May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.


This prayer is often used to call on a sense of universal peace and compassion. It encourages us to extend our goodwill beyond ourselves, wishing happiness and freedom for all beings. By chanting this prayer, we aim to cultivate a mindset that promotes kindness and interconnectedness, reminding us that our actions can positively impact the world around us. 


The breakfast prayer meetings take place on the last Saturday of each month at 9.30am to 10.30am. The next one is on Saturday 30th, all are welcome to attend, see Jill Coles for venue details. 


Love and Blessings 🙏


Student Minister 

SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









3 Nov

Tina Gandhi

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

C Worthington

J Readett


10 Nov

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross


17 Nov

Anne Mills

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Coles

G Leigh


24 Nov

Tina Gandhi

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

S Darbey

M Sixsmith


1 Dec

Tina Gandhi

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Hodgson

D Williams





The congregation welcomed our new student minister, Tina Gandhi, who started her placement on 1 October and led the Harvest Festival service.  Mrs Gandhi is in her second year of ministry training at the Unitarian College and her final year of a Chaplaincy Course at Luther King College (in conjunction with the Unitarian College).  She already has an MA in Theology and Religious Studies (Cambridge University) and a law degree, having previously worked as a Solicitor.  Mrs Gandhi leads in Greater Manchester in tackling fuel poverty for all 10 Councils. Members were delighted to meet her husband, Phil, and children, Rohan age 4 and Anoushka age 6 after the service when they joined us for the shared lunch. 


The choir’s contribution of an introit, anthem and vesper was much appreciated and the lunch prepared by Sheila, Margaret and helpers was greatly enjoyed.


Tina’s core working hours at Chowbent are 9 am to 3 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays and she will be taking two Sundays a month. Her contact details are:



Telephone 078 55 315 357 (ideal times to call are Mondays and Tuesdays 9am to 3pm, or any day after 8pm

BLANCHE COLLIER:  A long-standing and much-loved member of the choir, Blanche passed away on 19 October in Belong   She will be greatly missed.


CHRISTMAS FAIR 24 NOVEMBER:  Please bring gifts for the tombola and put them in the front pews on the right-hand side of Chapel or contact a Chapel Committee member to collect.  A variety of items which will appeal to adults and children would be appreciated and need not be very expensive. 


ANNUAL RAFFLE:The annual Raffle is again to be run and drawn at the Christmas Fair on 24 November.  Tickets have been issued to all members and it is hoped that as many tickets as possible can be sold to give a good return as previous years.  If members are able to sell more tickets please contact Muriel Jones or Lynne Readett.


FLOWERS:  On 6 October flowers were in memory of a dear friend, Andrea Jones, given by Jill Coles and John Williamson, given by his wife, Dorothy, and family.


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:  10 Nov – Remembrance Service; 22 Dec – Carol Service   


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided and the white A4 Charity Gift Aid Declaration forms located in the trough under each of the Chapel’s notice boards have been completed.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh.  If you are able to replace your envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much appreciated. 


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 17 November.

SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









1 Sept

Anne Mills

W Farnworth

Lynne Readett

J Coles

G Leigh


8 Sept

Rev Celia Cartwright

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

S Darbey

M Sixsmith


15 Sept

Dave Meacham


Lynne Readett

J Hodgson

D Williams


22 Sept

Jean Longworth

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

C Worthington

J Readett


29 Sept

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Jones

E Taylor


6 Oct

Tina Gandhi

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross



RNLI 200th ANNIVERSARY:   The Chapel is hosting a service for the 200th anniversary of the RNLI on the 1 September. The Mayor of Wigan, Debbie Parkinson, will attend and  a Naval Commander from Liverpool will read the special thanks to the RNLI. People from the RNLI, the Royal Navy and local sea cadets have been invited. The Service will be unique and Anne Mills will be taking the Service, which will be advertised to everyone who serves the RNLI. There will be a buffet lunch after the service.  


A Macmillan Coffee Morning will take place in the hall on Friday, 27 September, from 11 to 2:30pm. Margaret needs donations of both cakes & savoury items please and would be grateful if anyone was able to provide & label items suitable for diabetics.  Volunteers to help on the day would be appreciated.


CHURCHES TOGETHER:  The next Prayer Breakfast will be on Saturday , 28 September, at St George's Church 9:30-10:30am.  Chowbent will host the Prayer Breakfast in the Hall on 26 October and help providing drinks and toasted items would be very much appreciated.

NELUM:  The next meeting will be held on 7 October at Bury Unitarian Church at 7:15pm with refreshments available beforehand.


NUMBERS CLUB:  First prize number 1 £50, Second prize number 19 £30, Third prize number 37 £20, Fourth prize number 33 £15.   Our thanks go to Mr Ian Harter and family for a £1000 donation in memory of parents and Chapel members  Harold and Gladys Harter .


FLOWERS:  Flowers on the 23 June were in loving memory of Evelyn, given by her son John Readett and daughter Brenda Peers. Flowers in July include birthday memories of Hilary Homer, given by her daughter, Jill Coles.


If anyone would like to have flowers in Chapel and are able to, they can come into Chapel any Sunday from 10 am to put them in vases.


HERITAGE WEEKEND:  The Heritage event will be just one day this year, 14 September. Chapel will open from 10 am till 4 pm and John will give a talk at 12 noon.


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:   6 Oct – Harvest Service and collection for Foodbank; 10 Nov – Remembrance Service; 24 Nov – Christmas Fair;

22 Dec – Carol Service   


USED POSTAGE STAMPS:  Any used postage stamps can be brought into chapel, to be donated to the RNIB.                                


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided.  Gift Aid enables the Chapel to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. Members are requested to complete the white A4 Charity Gift Aid Declaration forms located in the trough under each of the Chapel’s notice boards, whether or not a previous Gift Aid form has been completed.  Forms should be passed to Mr David Evans.  Please do not use the brown envelopes, as there is a section missing.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh.  If you are able to replace your envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much appreciated. 


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 17 September.




SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









4 Aug

Vince McCully

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Hodgson

D Williams


11 Aug

Catherine Aspey

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

C Worthington

J Readett


18 Aug

Vince McCully

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Jones

E Taylor


25 Aug

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross


1 Sept

Anne Mills

W Farnworth

Lynne Readett

J Coles

G Leigh



RNLI 200th ANNIVERSARY:  The Chapel is hosting a service for the 200th anniversary of the RNLI on the 1 September. The Mayor of Wigan, Debbie Parkinson, will attend and  a Naval Commander from Liverpool read the special thanks to the RNLI. People from the RNLI, the Royal Navy and local sea cadets have been invited. The Service will be unique and Anne Mills will be taking the Service, which will be advertised to everyone who serves the RNLI. There will be a buffet lunch after the service.  


Please put your name on the list on the left-hand side of the vestibule and indicate how many people are likely to attend so that Sheila will know how many to cater for.


EXCURSION TO FLEETWOOD MARKET organised by Preston for Thursday, 22 August, leaving from Atherton, opposite the Punchbowl, at 10 am and returning by 5 pm. Transport will be by luxury coach with air conditioning and comfortable seating. Chapel members, family and friends are welcome.  The cost will be £15 per person if 36 people join the excursion.  A smaller coach would cost £20 per person. There will be a free raffle with luxury prizes.  Preston needs numbers, with payment, by 4 August.

FLOWERS:  Flowers on the 23rd of June were in loving memory of Evelyn, given by her son John Readett and daughter Brenda Peers. Flowers in July include birthday memories of Hilary Homer, given by her daughter, Jill Coles.


If anyone would like to have flowers in Chapel and are able to, they can come into Chapel any Sunday from 10 am to put them in vases.


WEDDING: There will be a wedding at Chapel on 14 August at 1pm. best wishes go to the bride Carla and groom Chris.


HERITAGE WEEKEND:  The Heritage event will be just one day this year, 14 September. Chapel will open from 10 am till 4 pm and John will give a talk at 12 noon.



6 Oct – Harvest Service and collection for Foodbank

10 Nov – Remembrance Service

24 Nov – Christmas Fair

22 Dec – Carol Service   


USED POSTAGE STAMPS:  Any used postage stamps can be brought into chapel, to be donated to the RNIB.                                


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided.  Gift Aid enables the Chapel to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. Members are requested to complete the white A4 Charity Gift Aid Declaration forms located in the trough under each of the Chapel’s notice boards, whether a previous Gift Aid form has been completed.  Forms should be passed to Mr David Evans.  Please do not use the brown envelopes, as there is a section missing.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh.  If you are able to replace your envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much appreciated. 


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 18 August.

SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









7 July

Ewen Sim

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

M Jones

E Taylor


14 July

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross


21 July

Clare Grace Williamson

W Farnworth

Lynne Readett

J Coles

G Leigh


28 July

Jean Longworth

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

S Darbey

M Sixsmith


4 Aug

Vince McCully

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Hodgson

D Williams



CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY 30 JUNE:  The service was taken by Professor Geoff Levermore, who was made GA President at the GA meetings in April.  He is a joint recipient of the Nobel Prize and is a member of Styal Chapel.  The service was followed by a shared lunch and scones,  strawberries and cream were provided, replacing the strawberry fayre planned for 7 July.


TABLE-TOP SALE:  The sale raised £216. Many thanks to all those who organised and supported the event


NELUM: The next Nelum meeting will be held at Ansdell Unitarian Church on Sat, 26 July. A buffet lunch will be provided at 1 pm (this needs to be booked by 13 July - see Jill) and the meeting will start at 2 pm.


FLOWERS:  Flowers on the 16th June in loving birthday memory of Pat Gregory. Given by Christine, Linda, Sandra and Alan.


DONATIONS TO ALZHEIMERS: Donations in memory of Roy Birchall raised £105 for research into Alzheimers disease.




14 Sept – Likely date for Heritage Weekend

6 Oct – Harvest Service and collection for Foodbank

10 Nov – Remembrance Service

24 Nov – Christmas Fair

22 Dec – Carol Service   


USED POSTAGE STAMPS:  Any used postage stamps can be brought into chapel, to be donated to the RNIB."                                  


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided.  Gift Aid enables the Chapel to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. Members are requested to complete the white A4 Charity Gift Aid Declaration forms located in the trough under each of the Chapel’s notice boards, whether a previous Gift Aid form has been completed.  Forms should be passed to Mr David Evans.  Please do not use the brown envelopes, as there is a section missing.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh.  If you are able to replace your envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much appreciated. 


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 7 July.

SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









2 June

Vince McCully

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross


9 June

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Coles

G Leigh


16 June

Dave Meachem

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

S Darbey

M Sixsmith


23 June

Jean Longworth

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

J Hodgson

D Williams


30 June

Prof Geoff Levermore

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

C Worthington

J Readett


7 July

Ewen Sim

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Jones

E Taylor



CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY 30 JUNE:  The service will be taken by Professor Geoff Levermore, who was made GA President at the GA meetings in April.  He is a joint recipient of the Nobel Prize and is a member of Styal Chapel.


CHOIR REHEARSALS for the Anniversary will be on Sunday, 9 June, after the service, Thursdays, 13, 20 and 27 June, at 7 pm.


CHAPEL GIFT MONTH:  Donations for the June Gift Month can be made by cash in a envelope including name from or cheques.  Cheques should be made payable to 'Chowbent Unitarian Chapel'.  Both can be handed

to David Shallcross or myself. Those who wish to donate by bank transfer can do so to the Chapel’s general CAF bank account ~ Sort code 40 52 40, account number 00060033, please include the following reference 'June gift month'.


TABLE TOP SALE – A Table Top Sale is to be held in the Hall on 8 June between 10am - 1pm.  Chapel members are asked to come along to support this fund raising event.


MINISTRY:  We are pleased to confirm that Tina Gandhi will take her student placement at Chowbent from October this year.


14 Sept – Likely date for Heritage Weekend

6 Oct – Harvest Service and collection for Foodbank

10 Nov – Remembrance Service

24 Nov – Christmas Fair

22 Dec – Carol Service   


RIVINGTON CHAPEL invite you to their service of worship on 2 June at 2.15 pm conducted by Rev Lynne Readett, followed by a strawberry and scone tea.


USED POSTAGE STAMPS:  Any used postage stamps can be brought into chapel, to be donated to the RNIB."                                  


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided.  Gift Aid enables the Chapel to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. Members are requested to complete the white A4 Charity Gift Aid Declaration forms located in the trough under each of the Chapel’s notice boards, whether a previous Gift Aid form has been completed.  Forms should be passed to Mr David Evans.  Please do not use the brown envelopes, as there is a section missing.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh.  If you are able to replace your envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much appreciated. 


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 23 June


paying DW 1st Jan to 5 may 13 X £30 =£390

SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









7 Apr

Rev Charles Vanden Broeder

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

C Worthington

J Readett


14 Apr

Ewen Sim

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Jones

E Taylor


21 Apr

Rev Charles Vanden Broeder

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross


28 Apr

Jean Longworth

R Steedman

Lynne Readett

J Coles

G Leigh


5 May

Clare Grace


D Williamson

Lynne Readett

S Darbey

M Sixsmith




The funeral service for Roy Birchall was held in Chapel on February 28th, conducted by Vince McCully.  The service included tributes from Brenda Catherall, David Shallcross and also David Massey of the Leigh and District Referees Society. Roy had been an avid Bolton Wanderers fan and was proud of having been a football referee.

 He was brought up on Wigan Road, Atherton, the son of Jim and Lucy Birchall and brother of Margaret.  After leaving school he worked as a joiner at Crofts in Atherton, for the local council and then for the Probation Service in the Salford area overseeing works and repairs on the offices which he did for 19 years.

 Roy met 17 years old Maureen Paddock at a dance at the Formby Hall.  Love blossomed and they married at Chowbent Chapel in 1958.  Both Roy and Maureen returned to chapel some years later to be active chapel members.  Roy had served as a trustee and on the chapel committee. He advised on works and repairs to the chapel building and grounds and participated fully in chapel life.  He was particularly interested in the chapel archives and heritage, both he and Maureen helping for a number of years with Heritage Weekend.

 He passed away peacefully at home at the age of 90 years and his ashes will be interred at Howe Bridge Cemetery at 3pm on Friday April 5th.  Our thoughts and prayers are especially with Maureen and all the family. Roy will be remembered with much love and affection as he rests in God’s peace. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:  4-6 April - GA Meeting at Staverton Park, Daventry; 19 May - Chapel AGM; June - Chapel Gift Month; 30 June - Chapel Anniversary to be taken by Geoff Lever.


NUMBERS CLUB DRAW:  1st number 14 £50; 2nd number 97 £30;

3rd number 42 £20; 4th number 32 £15


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided.  Gift Aid enables the Chapel to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. Members are requested to complete the white A4 Charity Gift Aid Declaration forms located in the trough under each of the Chapel’s notice boards, whether a Gift Aid form has been completed or not.  Forms should be passed to Mr David Evans.  Please do not use the brown envelopes, as there is a section missing.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh.  If you are able to replace your envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much appreciated. 


CALENDARIf you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 21 April.

USED POSTAGE STAMPSAny used postage stamps can be brought into chapel, to be donated to the RNIB."                                     

Dear Friends,

 A few years ago Hucklow Old Chapel (Unitarian) started collecting teddies and decided to donate them to the Send A Child To Hucklow Fund, our own Unitarian children's charity. They live in the chapel until a group of disadvantaged children (not the regular school children) are visiting. At this point Ann, the housekeeper at The Nightingale Centre, takes time to choose an appropriate teddy for each child to take home. And, yes, this includes the boys.

 With 400 children visiting this year alone we need to keep up a steady supply. So I invite all of you to see if you can knit, sew or buy a small teddy to donate.  I can assure you these teddies are much loved by the recipient. Best wishes,  Sue Catts

 Take them next time you vist Great Hucklow, they will be well loved

 Kind Regards

Margaret R

SERVICES: Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are

most welcome at all Chapel services.

Date        Minister                 Organist        Flowers     Refreshments     Steward



Ewan Sim D Williamson Muriel


M Jones E Taylor



Janet Poole* D Williamson Muriel


M Sixsmith D Shallcross



Ewan Sim R Steedman Muriel


J Coles G Leigh



Rev Celia


D Williamson Muriel


S Darbey M Sixsmith



Vince McCully D Williamson Lynne


J Hodgson D Williams



Rev Charles



D Williamson Lynne


C Worthington J Readett

*Mothering Sunday

EASTER SUNDAY: The collection will be for Send a Child to Hucklow.

In preparation for Easter Sunday there will be choir rehearsals after the

services on 10, 17 and 24 March with an additional rehearsal at 2 pm on

Thursday, 28 March.

CONGRATULATIONS to Joyce Snape, who was awarded an OBE for

Egyptology and Heritage. Joyce has given talks at Chowbent on

Egyptology which have shed fascinating light on events and characters in

ancient Egypt.

ERIC ALDRED: The funeral service for Eric Aldred was held at Howe

Bridge Crematorium on January 23rd, the Rev Brenda Catherall

officiating. Eric passed away at the age of 76 and our deepest sympathy

is extended to his family, his wife Kathleen, sons Richard and Rufus and

sister Edith.  Eric had known Kathleen Tonge as youngsters with both

families having involvement with Chowbent Chapel and they eventually

married in 1975.  Eric had a long teaching career and described by a

colleague as " a very gifted mathematician and true gentleman with the

unique talent of cheering people up ". Eric was blessed most of all by the

love of his precious family who he was devoted to beyond measure.  To

all the family and friends our thoughts and prayers are with you as Eric

rests in God's peace.

ROY BIRCHALL: We were all saddened to hear of the passing of Roy

Birchall who died peacefully at home at the age of 90 years. Our thoughts

and prayers are especially with his dear wife Maureen and all the family. 

Roy married Maureen Paddock at Chowbent Chapel in 1958.  Later on

they returned to chapel and have played an active role in chapel life -

much loved members of the Chowbent family. Roy's funeral service is at

chapel on Wednesday February 28th at 12 noon followed by committal at

Howe Bridge Crematorium.  A tribute to Roy will be in the next calendar. 

FLOWERS: Sunday, 4 Feb – In loving memory of Bob Mather given by

his wife Denise and family

NUMBERS CLUB: The winning numbers for January were:

1 st No 27, £50; 2 nd No 33, £30; 3 rd No 25, £20; 4 th No 26, £15; One-off extra

draw No 16, £50.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 23 March - Worship service at Rochdale

Unitarian Church; please let Jill know if you would like to attend. 25

March – NELUM meeting in Chowbent hall; help serving light

refreshments would be very welcome. 4-6 April - GA Meeting at

Staverton Park, Daventry; 19 May - Chapel AGM; June - Chapel Gift

Month; 30 June - Chapel Anniverssary to be taken by Geoff Lever.

GIFT AID: If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your

contributions to Chapel are gift aided. Gift Aid enables the Chapel to

claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give and will not cost you any extra.

Consent forms are available from David Evans. For weekly donation

envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh. If you are able to replace your

envelope contribution by a standing order this would be much


CALENDAR: If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is

not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated. Items for

the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me,

Dorothy, by Sunday, 24 March

SERVICES:  Sunday morning services start at 10.45 am. Children are most welcome at all Chapel services.









4 Feb

Rev Charles Vanden Broeder

D Williamson

Muriel Jones

J Coles

G Leigh


11 Feb

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Muriel Jones

S Derbey

M Sixsmith


18 Feb

Ewan Sim (Bury Chapel)

D Williamson

Muriel Jones

J Hodgson

D Williams


25 Feb

Rev Celia Cartwright

R Steedman


Muriel Jones

C Worthington

J Readett


3 Mar

Ewan Sim

D Williamson

Muriel Jones

M Jones

E Taylor



FLOWERS:  Flowers on the 7th January in memory of a special friend, Audrey Jackson,  who passed away on December 29th 2023. Given by Jill Coles

Flowers on 14 January were birthday memories of Lilian and Jack Leigh from Susan, Geoff and John Leigh


NUMBERS CLUB:  Winning numbers for December were first 38 £50, second 11 £30, third 26 £20 and fourth 27 £15.


NEWS OF PEOPLE:  We send best wishes to Roy Birchall, who is now at home.


ATHERTON CHURCHES TOGETHER Prayer Breakfast will be at St George’s Church on Saturday, 24 February, from 9.30 to 10.30 am.


SEND A CHILD TO HUCKLOW:  The collection on Easter Sunday, 31 March, will be in aid of Send a Child to Hucklow.  The Nightingale Centre has a long history of hosting young people and families, including programmes for Unitarian young people, church groups and the Unitarian Music Society.

Contact details are:

The Centre Office

The Nightingale Centre, Great Hucklow, Buxton, SK17 8RH

01298 871218 website:


USED POSTAGE STAMPS:  Any used postage stamps brought in to Chapel will be donated to RNIB.


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided.  Gift Aid enables the Chapel to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.  Gift aid envelopes are available in the vestibule.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh  

Donations by standing order or direct debit would be welcome.



31 March – Easter service

4 April – G.A. meeting at Staverton Park, Daventry

19 May – Chowbent Chapel Annual General Meeting

June – Chapel Gift Month

30 June – Chapel Anniversary service to be taken by Geoff Lever.

The minister at Rochdale Church would like to host a district worship service on Saturday, 23 March.  Please let Jill Coles know if you would like to attend and if the date is suitable.


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much 









7 Jan

Rev Lynne Readett

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

J Hodgson

D Williams


14 Jan

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Lynne Readett

C Worthington

J Readett


21 Jan

Rev Ant Howe*

D Williamson

Muriel Jones

M Jones

E Taylor


28 Jan

Rev Celia Cartwright

D Williamson

Muriel Jones

M Sixsmith

D Shallcross


4 Feb

Rev Charles Vanden Broeder

D Williamson

Muriel Jones

J Coles

G Leigh



*Rev Howe is Ministry Tutor with Unitarian College

CAROL SERVICE:  The Carol Service was very well attended.  Vince McCully led the service with the theme Carols of Peace and Light.  The choir sang the Coventry Carol, Christmas Night, Child of God and Deck the Hall and readers from the congregation read the Christmas story from the New Testament.  After the service seasonal refreshments were served in the hall and members were joined by friends from other chapels. 


FLOWERS:  Flowers on 10 December were in loving memory of Mr and Mrs John Vernon, given by their daughter, Dorothy Williamson.


NEWS OF PEOPLE:  Roy Birchall has been very poorly and is still in hospital.  We send best wishes to him and Maureen.  Brenda was ill throughout the Christmas period and we wish her a speedy recovery. 


SERVICES:  Morning services resume on 7 January and we look forward to a happy and healthy new year.


GIFT AID:  If you are a taxpayer, could you please check whether your contributions to Chapel are gift aided.  Gift Aid enables the Chapel to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.  Gift aid envelopes are available in the vestibule.


FUNDRAISING:  Contact David Shallcross at the Chapel or email: to join the Chapel numbers club, to buy and dedicate a hymn book,  a chalice badge or a copy of the book "The Story of Chowbent Chapel. by J.J. Wright.   For copies of “Chowbent Chapel and the Organs” by Bryan Hughes contact Dorothy Williamson.

For weekly donation envelopes; please contact Geoff Leigh  


CALENDAR:  If you can print a copy of the calendar for someone who is not able to get it electronically that would be much appreciated.  Items for the next calendar, eg dates of events, news of people, should be with me, Dorothy, by Sunday, 21 January.

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